The DELTA Publication series, published in 2017, focuses on family violence and is designed to assist professionals in the fields of social services, justice, and education in their work with families and families who are in need of information when they are experiencing violence within their family.

Helping an Abused Woman – An Essentials Guide

This fully developed, designed and published Guide and training tool is an update to the original 2008 publication of the same title. The Guide is of relevance to anyone who works with women anywhere, and the topics addressed give the reader insight into how abuse affects women, and also offers concrete ideas to apply in the field, including worksheets and other handouts. By integrating theory, risk assessment, intervention and help for the helper, this publication appeals to legal, justice, and social service professionals.

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Helping Children Exposed to Domestic Violence – An Essentials Guide

Updated from the original 2004 publication titled, “Helping Children Thrive,” this resource is a Guide for professionals in social services, justice, and education to offer support to women who have experienced abuse.

The Guide covers:

  • The needs of abused women as mothers
  • The effects of power and control tactics on mothers
  • The potential impact of woman abuse on children of different ages

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Preparing and Supporting Young Witnesses – An Essentials Guide

This resource is a revised and updated version of the publication “101 Things to Know Say and Do When Working with Child Witnesses.” This revised publication presents a condensed version of the previous document by covering the “essentials” of working with young witnesses.

The Guide covers:

  • The perceptions and experiences of young witnesses
  • Court preparation and support
  • Specialized assessments
  • Legislation and testimonial aids
  • Case studies and innovative supports for child witnesses

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Calling a Young Witness – An Essentials Guide

This new publication is an addendum to ‘Helping a Child be a Witness in Court: The Essentials,’ and was written specifically for Crown Attorneys.

The Guide covers:

  • An overview of sections of the Canadian Criminal Code and legislation that relate to young and vulnerable victims and witnesses
  • Strategies for working effectively with young witnesses
  • What can be expected from a court preparation program
  • How development and trauma can impact testimony
  • How to work effectively with parents and caregivers
  • Key stressors experienced by young witnesses

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Online Abuse – Virtual violence and its impact on young women and girls

This publication offers resources for service providers, parents and youth to help understand and navigate the complex world of online interpersonal violence. This publication reflects a growing need, as online platforms have become an integral part of our relationships. Topics explored include gender-based violence, sexting, sexual abuse, safety, cyberbullying, “hookup” culture, identity, adolescent development, and online intimacy. In addition to offering practical strategies to engage youth, this publication teaches critical thinking skills, as social media and other online platforms create both opportunity and risk for today’s youth.

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Rethinking Resiliency – How understanding our world can help us bounce back

Expanding on the Resiliency Tool, developed by London Family Court Clinic, this new resource addresses the social forces that impact youth. Sexism, racism, and heterosexism are often internalized by youth, which can impact one’s identity, relationships and self-worth. Aimed at helping professionals, youth and parents, this publication “rethinks resiliency” by exploring social norms that promote violence and marginalization. The publication looks at building critical thinking skills as one pathway to building resiliency, and offers an opportunity for reflective thinking as well as practical information to support healthy relationships and, ultimately, to help build resilience in youth.

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Funding for this project was provided by the Department of Justice Canada.

Every dollar you give goes toward service delivery and growth, projects, and research at London Family Court Clinic.
